Men's Retreat at Lake Aurora

March 7-8, 2025 -Registration open

Theme: "Men's Health" - Luke 2:52
Keynote Speaker 2025: Nate Bush, New City Church, Albuquerque, NM

What do you need more of in your life? Exercise; time; money; help; patience; peace, love and respect?
Chances are, it's more than one thing. Jesus understands the complexity of a healthy life.

Our goal is that through the keynote sessions, workshops, worship, and activiites, you will come away refreshed and renewed as well as equipped to include more of Jesus into your life and spheres of influence. 


Men's Retreat at Lake Aurora

Cost: $95 
On-campus lodging, meals, and program
Off-campus cost: $65 (includes meals/program)  
Part-time Rates: $45 for Friday or $55 for Saturday
Hold your spot for $50 deposit. Have a group coming? Secure group space with deposit on number attending. Anonymous group registrations must be named by Feb 21 or cancelled with cancellation fees. 


It is exciting to use the new Oak Hammock Building for keynote sessions. Some workshops and other activities are outdoor.Bring a jacket for possible chilly weather and your favorite camp/lawn chair.

Click here for Check-in Day Information 

2024 Participant Program Book - Preview Weekend program, workshop descriptions, options. 2025 version available March 2 

Information Brochure - 2025

Online Registration Portal - Open January 9

Poster for Promotion- 2025

Paper Registration for mail/email (Not recommended)


Please register online, mail registration, or email, Attention Emmalee.
Online Registration available at link above

Here's an idea of what to expect during your Retreat:

Friday, March 7

2:00pm-4 pm - Pre-Event Paintball ($35)Advance signup

4:00pm - Check in opens

6:30pm - Dinner

7:30pm - Main session #1

8:45pm - Break/Snacks

9:15 pm - Campfire Roundups/Workshop #1

11:00 pm - Quiet Hours

Saturday, March 8

7:00am - Early coffee/Prayer Walk

7:30 am - Breakfast

8:30 Key Session #2

9:30 am - Workshop #1 or active options

11:00am - Workshop #2 or active options

12:30pm - Lunch

1:15pm - Key session #3

2:00pm - Closing

2:00-5:00pm - Enjoy the campus.

About our Keynote Speaker:

Keynote speaker

Nate Bush, New City Church, Albuquerque, NM

It is an honor to introduce Nate Bush as the keynote speaker for our 2025 Men’s Retreat. He is a lifelong student of God’s Word and seeks to be an ordinary, everyday missionary to his community.
Nate is not a stranger to Flordia. He is a graduate of Florida Christan College and served in south Florida churches before becoming the lead pastor of New City Church in Albuquerque, NM. In 2010 New City was born out of family prayer time in Nate’s living room and is now a flourishing congregation of imperfect people being courageous, believing in the power of Jesus to make all things new. Nate has passionately worked toward building a church that makes a renewal impact in Albuquerque.
Nate is married to his wife of 22 years and has three children growing into adulthood.

Men getting ready to board Giant Swing

2025 Breakout Options and Presenters: 

What to Bring:

This is a camp, so dress is casual. Bring comfortable shoes and a jacket for possible chilly weather.

Things to note...

  • Keynote sessions in the new Oak Hammock. Some workshops still outdoors.
  • Self screening requested prior to arrival (Symptoms/exposure)