When Angels stir the water, people are healed

John 5:1-15

Lake Aurora Christian Camp is helping the church minister to perhaps the largest unreached people group in the world - the 1.2 billion people with disabilities. Together with their families it is one third fo the world's population.

Jesus went to the out-of-the-way places - to the back of the crowd - to find these special people who attracted His heart. And, so are we.


StirringWaters will be created to be a place where people and families living with disabilities can come to enjoy themselves in the world's most inclusive aquatic environment.


We invite you to be an Angel and help people with disabilites off the deck and into life!

PeaceMaker Paddle Adventure Fundraiser Event - September 29-30, 2023

To speak to a person call 866-hlp-stir, ext.4 or email bill@stirringh2o.com