When packing for your camp experience please keep these reasonable camp rules in mind. Should a camper bring any items that are restricted, they may be collected and returned to the camper at the close of the program. Thank you for your cooperation.
PREPARATION CHECKLISTS by campus - Click here for specific program check in times and information

For Your Safety and Benefit, These Reasonable Rules Will Be Followed:
- Christian conduct and character is expected to be evident at all times.
- You will be expected to follow the schedule.
- You will not be permitted to leave the grounds except for scheduled excursions.
- All sickness and accidents must be reported to the nurse promptly. Lake Aurora has a modest accident insurance policy covering each camper.
- Your clothing should be of a modest nature. The standards of the world are not the standards of Lake Aurora. This especially includes swimsuits.
- Shirts and clothing promoting alcohol or tobacco products, suggestive statements, grotesque scenes, or other graphics not consistent with a Christian environment may not be worn or displayed (this includes vehicles).
- Tobacco, alcoholic beverages, and illegal items are not permitted.
- To maximize the camp experience -- radios, any cellular phones, music/dvd or gaming devices, electronic tablets/Ipads, "Smart" devices, etc. should not be brought. If brought, they may be removed and returned at the end of the program.
- For the benefit of the camper, telephone usage will be for emergency use only. Campers should be urged to write home rather than call. Do NOT bring cell phones!

Hillside & Lakeside Camp Checklist
Recommended Items
- Bible
- Water bottle
- Pen/Pencil
- Personal casual clothes (at least 2 sets per day) - Keep modesty in mind.
- Some clothing that can get messy/dirty
- Towel/Washcloth
- Bedding: Sheets, blanket, or sleeping bag
- Shoes (including athletic shoes
- Toiletry articles (soap, shampoo, etc.
- Swimsuit(s) - Keep modesty in mind. Dark-colored t-shirt needed to cover suits that expose the midriff.
- Insect repellent
- Sunscreen (SPF 15 or higher)
- Rain gear
- Any medication in ORIGINAL containers (Rx and over-the-counter)
Optional Items
- Pillow
- Disposable camera
- Light jacket
- Fishing pole
- High School camp will have a luau this year and not a dressy banquet.
Life Expedition Camp Checklist - See Director letters at end of list
Recommended Items
- Personal casual clothes (Keep comfort and coolness in mind)
- Sunscreen (SPF 15 or higher)
- Athletic shoes (must be able to get wet)
- Water sandals or similar style
- Flashlight
- Insect repellent
- Canoe trips: Two empty 2-liter plastic bottles with lid or its equivalent (for personal drinking water)
Needed Items
- Bible (may get wet - don't bring your favorite)
- Towels & washcloth
- Swimsuit(s) - Keep modesty in mind. Dark-colored t-shirt needed to cover suits that expose the midriff.
- Toiletry articles
- Sheets, blanket/sleeping bag, ground cloth or sleeping pad
- Rain gear
- Hat with brim to shade face/neck
- NFL Springs - water shoes Springs exploration.
- Any medication in ORIGINAL containers (Rx and over-the-counter
Optional Items
- Light jacket
- Water shoes
- Pencil & notepad
- Matches (waterproof)
- Sunglasses
- Personal first aid kit
- Compass
- Spending money for snack items on first and last night canteen
- Survival Camp and Backpack Trip campers may want to bring extra money for snack items at the state parks. Please see Life Ex Information Brochure.
- Survival Camp Instructions from Director
- Canoe Trip Special Instructions from Director
- Permission Health Form for off campus trips